Rose Water is one of those missing items in most of our Curio Cabinets. Did you know this can be a wonderful asset to your attraction work? Rose Water is a potent extract of the beautiful Rose that attracts all to it,, so naturally those things you desire will be attracted to you when you utilize this powerful flower...Well the Temple of the Crossroads presents to you it's first item, "Mother's Rose Water." It is now for sale on the website...
Mother's Rose Water will help attract to you your desires. Mother's Rose Water use in candle magic is amazing...! Simply clean your candles with it to give your work a Kick. Wear it on your body with a splash or two. Rub behind your ears and on your neck to allure a mate or the perfect date, smells so good and will drive he or she Crazy. Wear on the the tips of your shoes so your claims will follow you. Write your petitions and finger print Mother's Rose Water to it and read everyday, especially at midnight...