This is
real family! This is where you get your cloud formations from...It's all artificial and created by cloud seeding and airplanes. This has been going on for all of our lives...Be prepared in the up coming week for much colder temperatures and bring your precious house plants in before its to late so they won't get damaged by the cold. Most houseplants cannot survive in Temps below 50 degrees and this is where we are going soon in the south....Also we will be having surges in in colds and the rona due to the deliberate lack of sunlight which is all by design anyways....Happy Turkey Day to the meat eaters and Happy Day off the Plantation to us all...
This is their way of trying to kill everyone softly with toxins.
I've also seen weird so called planes hoovering in my area( Columbus, Ohio . I tried to capture it then my phone went completely black. Today November 27, 2020 it was 27degrees at 5am. We are suppose to have snow flurries tomorrow. Thanks for all you do Mamma💖
Peace Momma, we havent seen sunlight in a few days here in Ohio...cloudy and rainy all day...air pollution is very high as know whats weirs though...last week it was cloudy and we caught hearing like airplane sounds but very very close, like it would land on top of a house!!! The entire neighborhood was outside looking at the sky! The sounds even attracted the sheep lol Very weird plane looking things flying at night, star patterns...something is going on...